Draft 1 - New Beauty Training
Package Released
JULY 2019
Last week, Draft 1 of the new beauty Training Package was released for consultation. We have been preparing for this change for some time and the Skin Deep Learning Continuous Improvement system has been collating feedback from audits, compliance departments, teachers and students. Skin Deep Learning has now reviewed Draft 1 of the Training Package and has started to work on changes needed to resources.
What is going to change and when?
Skin Deep Learning will update all assessments first. The changes will reflect the new Training Package requirements and increase the evidence collection in smart and time efficient ways. As compliance audits become more frequent and sophisticated, we believe the new and updated assessment tools are essential for RTO’s. This will also mean that our customers will be able to offer the new Training Package almost immediately after its final release.
There are going to be some new Units of Competency and Skin Deep Learning will produce learning and assessment materials for the new units. These units will be available shortly after the final release of the Training Package and in plenty of time for our customers to teach them in Semester 2, 2020.
Finally, we will update all of the learning materials. The new learning materials are going to be even more engaging to the student with hard-copy, blended and fully electronic versions all available for the per unit/per student price.