Improvements and upgrades
JULY 2021

Skin Deep Learning will be augmenting our Continuous Improvement report and User and Audit Guide into an audit pack for RTOs. The new audit pack will explain the easy to use features of the enhanced assessment system when it is released to coincide with the new Training Package.

Amount of Training
Skin Deep Learning will be including an easy to use guide to assist RTOs to account for the amount of training they deliver. This will include a guide on the amount of time it would take a typical student to complete learning materials, learning activities and assessments.
Performance Benchmarks
The Skin Deep Learning assessment tools are undergoing a redesign to be released with the Training Package change. This redesign will include greatly modified Observation Forms that will have a companion document to be used when observing students. The companion document will set out the skills the student needs to demonstrate when performing a task (Performance Benchmarks) in order to achieve competency for the Unit of Competency.
Industry engagement
Skin Deep Learning will further enhance how we engage with industry and provide supporting evidence of industry engagement to RTOs. The supporting evidence will allow your RTO to show an auditor that industry has been involved in the Training and Assessment strategies and creation of content of Skin Deep Learning resources.