New Assessment Documents
SEP 2021

The new templates will consist of the following:

Knowledge assessment – Designed to be completed after training has been completed and before undertaking the Performance Assessments.
Performance Assessments – These assessments cover the Performance evidence and Performance Criteria of the Training package. This assessment must be carried out in accordance with the detailed instructions provided.

Observation Checklist – This document is used to document competency in a task. It must be used with the Performance Assessment and the Performance Benchmark Guideline.
Performance Benchmark Guideline – This is a new document that must be used to mark off competency on the Observation Checklist. This document provides observable behaviours that must be observed when ticking off each observation on the Observation Checklist. We have provided general Performance Benchmarks, but the RTO must contextualise this document to their training environment. This document will be available in word format to allow for contextualisation.

Training will be provided on best practice assessment. When the new Training Package is released, we will send out a training calendar.