Core units
SHBBMUP009 - Design and apply make-up
SHBBMUP010 - Design and apply make-up for photography
​SHBBMUP013 - Design and apply creative make-up
SHBBRES003 - Research and apply beauty industry information
SHBXCCS008 - Provide salon services to clients
SHBXIND003 - Comply with organisational requirements within a personal services environment
SHBXWHS003 - Apply safe hygiene, health and work practices
SIRXOSM002 - Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms
Group A - Elective units
SHBBINF002 - Maintain infection control standards
HLTINF005 - Maintain infection prevention for skin penetration treatments
General Elective units
SHBBBOS007 - Apply cosmetic tanning products
SHBBCCS005 - Advise on beauty products and services
SHBBFAS004 - Provide lash and brow services
SHBBHRS010 - Provide waxing services
SHBBMUP008 - Apply eyelash extensions
SHBXCCS007 - Conduct salon financial transactions
SHBBMUP011 - Design and apply remedial camouflage make-up
SHBBMUP012 - Apply airbrushed make-up
Online Resources
Our online resources are interactive, responsive, and engaging, designed to enhance the student learning experience.
We offer a variety of online package options that can be tailored to suit the requirements of your RTO.
Our resources can be seamlessly integrated with your Learning Management System (LMS), or you can use our LMS for FREE.