How do our resources
benefit trainers?
The philosophy at Skin Deep Learning is that you, the trainer, are the essence of quality vocational training. The Skin Deep Learning and Assessment System supports trainers and assessors by removing the need to spend thousands of hours either writing, or assisting in writing new training and assessment materials. This will help at audit, as compliant learning materials are assessed as part of the student journey.
We consider the most important aspect of the learning experience to be quality classroom and practical teaching, which produces high quality beauty and hairdressing graduates. The use of the Skin Deep Learning System will allow you to spend more time in the classroom and less time bogged down in paper work.

What is included in the Skin Deep Learning and Assessment System for the trainer or assessor?
Easy to understand assessments which guide the student to give short relevant answers, rather than essays, to save you hours of correction time.
Holistic assessment is used wherever possible to make best use of your classroom hours.
Practical assessments and observation checklists with easy to understand instructions.
Policies and procedures for student learning purposes, that incorporate all Training Package requirements.
Simple to use Evidence Map, so that you can easily cross-reference where evidence can be found within the system for each aspect of the Training Package.
Hardcopy learning materials or online learning materials for students, that are targeted to the demographic, attractive and easy to understand.​
Activities included in the learning materials that can be used in the classroom to help with your lesson planning. Of course, all learning activities are mapped back to the Training Package.​
Classroom teaching resources in PowerPoint format, that are designed to match the learning materials.
You as the trainer can have peace of mind knowing that the materials are engaging to the learner, easy to understand and industry relevant, while also being extensively mapped to the requirements of the Training Package.
To place an order for our RTO student and assessor resources, please contact us.